Diagnosis: Old and Fat...Western Doctor loses his cool.

Like everyone else, getting old and fat is a terrifying situation to sit through.
Miss P. : 69 year old widow with major groin pain sits all day long in front of her blaring television wishing she had a life.
Her western doctor is probably right.
But Miss P. was angry and annoyed when her western doctor told her she was just too old and fat to expect any treatment successful for her many aches and pains.
So, she came to see me. And she's changing to another western doctor tommorow.
After having undergone countless operations, I think she is a lucky girl to have her stomach, pancreas and liver left after several years of treatment with this western doctor.
I was really shocked he didn't even look at her groin to be absolutely sure before prescribing some powerful medications for rheumatoid arthritis. Those can turn your liver into dust!
Miss P. may not be the most pleasing groin patient to examine. But under her thick black endless layers of clothing, below sweaty flaps of fat with an occasional wart winking at you, you will simply find a pulled groin muscle.
I can understand he is put off her. Every once in a while, she is shamesless with the local medical emergency care when she wants a nice tranquilizer fix. I can imagine he feels the need to give her any drug to stop her constant moaning.
But Miss P. is in need of hands on therapy for this condition that has kept her for two months from her much needed thursday market escape from the television.
O.k. I understand she can be a big pain herself.
But Miss P. is really in pain this time and more than anything what she truly needs is a little attention.
Telling her its her fault she's in pain cause she too old and fat is one slap across the face.
Prescribing rheumatoid medications along with her cholesterol, blood pressure, anti-anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, and sleeping pills without being wary of her total well-being sounds like this western doctor sucks as a health practioner!
She is so alone and depressed.
I bet he wasn't thinking 'Go bother a psychiatrist if you feel depressed and alone but let me poison you with unneccesary pharmaceuticals that will undoubtedly cause you to feel more depressed and alone and then if doesn't work I'll just blame it on your lifestyle.'
But that's how it happened.
Now Miss P. is alone and all in black having cried wolf one too many times.
She sits for hours in front of her television forced to swallow tons of pills and the sad fact she is old and fat.
Today, I helped Miss P. with feeling pain free. Acupuncture on a few pain (ashi) points and some TLC did the trick.
I also suggested she stop wearing so much black. She wildly agreed to begin wearing a bit of white.
On a limb, I asked her about love in her life. She seemed almost offended to the idea of finding herself a boyfriend but I assured her if she couldn't find one she could always find something on tv.
Miss P. is only 69. Not too much older than a Beatle! She's still got something to offer I assured her.
Sex is still very important even for old and fat people. T.C.M. sex doctors would definetly agree...
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