Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sexy Cellulite

An estimated 90 percent of all women are afflicted with cellulite, even Kylie Minogue has cellulite. Yes, I know that feels good to hear.

Many women will go to great lengths to get rid of it. From a $20 jar of vanishing cellulite cream to thousands of dollars for risky liposuction.

But what really works?

Well, let's first start out by finding out, what exactly is it?

Oddly, it depends on who you ask. There is no conventional medical definition for cellulite. The term was first coined in the 70's by European beauty spas.

The beauty industry will say its toxins and fat that build up in the body while scientists have carried out their experiments and say its just plain old fat.

Both also have different opinions on whether cellulite can be cured. In a nutshell, nothing can claim to "dramatically reduce" the appearance of cellulite except liposuction and to some extent vacuum massage.

My patient who I've treated for mental depression (phelgm qi) asks if I can help her get rid of some cellulite. I say "maybe..."

Chinese Medicine utilzes the technique cupping which acts like vaccum massage to combat cellulite. Fat cells that make up cellulite look like "bunches of grapes" which have clumped up together inhibiting blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

Cellulite cupping causes an increase in blood circulation, a rise in skin temperature, the promotion of metabolism within the skin tissue, better functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands, and thus reduces the appearance of cellulite.

So, we gave cupping a go. I first started with Gua Sha to warm up and promote circulation. I then hooked her up to some electrodes that send out small electrical impulses for more stimulation to her most dimpled areas. Afterwards, I did cupping and then ended with 10 minutes under the infared heat lamp.

I gave it at least five sessions before she'd see any results. I did tell her frankly, the best way to get rid of her cellulite was to lose weight. I could help her food cravings with some ear acupuncture, prescribe some herbs to reduce water retention and improve sluggish cell action in the tops of her legs...

But only if she promised to work out at least 3 times a week.


At 10:24 PM, Blogger bijnil said...

I just hit upon your blog by chance and started reading. trust me -i got glued.Even i'm trying to loose some 30 pounds desperately and cellulite too, with this info i wont be fooled.Just keep the good work going! cheers!


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