Friday, May 05, 2006

Springtime: How seasons can affect you

Keeping in harmony with the movements of nature brings health and happiness.

Spring is full of life, with birds singing and flowers blooming.

Its movement tends to go upwards and outwards, expansion is the idea. Unlike the movement of winter with its freezing and cold contraction.

One should be aware of how certain organs are affected during particular times of the year.

During Spring, the liver, one of the five vital organs, reigns supreme. It's abundant with energy. If your liver is out of wack then problems will begin. Common complaints during springtime are mostly depression, digestive problems, pain symptoms, and menstruation problems.

The most important thing to keep in harmony is to eat well. Save feasting for the fall and winter...

The liver detoxifies blood, so, eating fresh greens, and less junk will help the liver in its time of glory. More pungent foods like garlic and onions aid perspiration and promote Qi movement upwards and outwards.

Avoid overeating foods with a sour taste and cold nature. They tend to act like an astringent and suppress upward movement of Qi. Cold foods include watermelon and pears while sour taste foods include lemon and grapefruit.

Check out some more best foods for spring...


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